Parallel session 4A
- Cedric Lorce (Ecole polytechnique)
Ian Balitsky
5/17/18, 4:10 PM
A typical factorization formula for production of a particle with a small transverse momentum in hadron-hadron collisions is given
by a convolution of two TMD parton densities with cross section of production of the final particle by the two partons.
For practical applications at a given transverse momentum, though, one should estimate at what momenta
the power corrections to the TMD...
Shohini Bhattacharya
(Temple University)
5/17/18, 4:30 PM
Being the "mother distributions" of all types of two-parton correlation functions, generalized TMDs (GTMDs) have garnered a lot of attention. We address the important question of how to access GTMDs in physical processes. Recently, we have shown that quark GTMDs can in principle be probed through the exclusive pion-nucleon double Drell-Yan process, where the focus was on two particular GTMDs...
Emanuel Ydrefors
(Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica)
5/17/18, 4:50 PM
From a general point of view, understanding the interaction in terms of the fundamental degrees of freedom is very important for nuclear and particle non-perturbative physics. Since that is a very difficult problem, simple models are of great value for understanding the crucial qualitative features of the solution with more realistic kernels. Understanding the properties of relativistic...
Greger Torgrimsson
(Theoretisch-Physikalisches Institut Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena; Helmholtz Institute Jena)
5/17/18, 5:10 PM
High-intensity lasers currently attract a great deal of interest due to the prospects of using them to study unexplored regimes of fundamental physics. Trident pair production is a basic process in this field, where an electron collides with a laser and produces an electron-positron pair. One part of this is a two-step process where the initial electron emits a real, on-shell photon that...
Henry Lamm
(University of Maryland)
5/17/18, 5:30 PM
A light-front quantization study of the nonperturbative
spectrum of the bound state $(\mu^+\mu^-)$, true muonium, has been
performed. Using Pad\'{e} approximants, it has been possible to
extract continuum and infinite-cutoff limits for the singlet and
triplet states for a range of coupling constants $\alpha$. This allows for an investigation of the $\alpha$ dependence of the...