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May 14 – 18, 2018
Jefferson Lab - CEBAF Center
US/Eastern timezone

Convergence of the light-front coupled-cluster method

May 15, 2018, 2:00 PM
F113 (Jefferson Lab - CEBAF Center)


Jefferson Lab - CEBAF Center


Dr Sophia Chabysheva (University of Minnesota-Duluth)


We explore the convergence of the light-front coupled-cluster (LFCC) method in the context of two-dimensional quenched scalar Yukawa theory. This theory is simple enough for higher-order LFCC calculations to be relatively straightforward. The quenching is to maintain stability; the spectrum of the full theory with pair creation and annihilation is unbounded from below. The basic interaction in the quenched theory is only emission and absorption of a neutral scalar by the complex scalar. The LFCC method builds the eigenstate with one complex scalar and a cloud of neutrals from a valence state that is just the complex scalar and the action of an exponentiated operator that creates neutrals. The lowest order LFCC operator creates one; we add the next order, a term that creates two. At this order there is a direct contribution to the wave function for two neutrals and one complex scalar and additional contributions to all higher Fock states. Results for the lowest order and this new second order approximation are compared with those obtained with standard Fock-state expansions.

Primary author

Dr Sophia Chabysheva (University of Minnesota-Duluth)

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