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Aug 7 – 10, 2024
MIT Laboratory for Nuclear Science
US/Eastern timezone

EMC Effect at 11 GeV

Aug 8, 2024, 3:30 PM
26-414 (MIT Laboratory for Nuclear Science)


MIT Laboratory for Nuclear Science


Abhyuday Sharda


I will report on the Jefferson Lab (JLab) Hall C experiment E12-10-008 that finished data taking in February last year. Multiple cryogenic and solid targets were used to measure inclusive electron scattering using a 10.5 GeV beam from the accelerator at JLab. The EMC effect is the phenomenon that the internal structure of the bound nucleon is different from that of a free nucleon. In this experiment, for a series of light to heavy nuclei, we measured cross section ratios at Bjorken-x<1, where the EMC effect dominates. The analysis of this data will further elucidate the connection between how quarks are distributed within the nuclei and how it relates to the nuclear density. I will outline the relevant physics, provide an overview of the experimental procedure, and present preliminary analysis results which include the first-time EMC effect results for several nuclei at large x.

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