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Mar 14 – 16, 2025
Anaheim Convention Center
US/Pacific timezone
Full registration, incl. payment of the workshop fee, is open

Development of a new muon detector for JLab Hall C

Mar 14, 2025, 5:00 PM
201AB (Anaheim Convention Center)


Anaheim Convention Center


Mahmoud Gomina (Virginia Tech)


We are currently developing at Virginia Tech a new muon detector aimed at detecting and discriminating muon pairs in exclusive reactions such as Double Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering or J/psi production. We developed a DAQ system and a first prototype system in our lab. In parallel, we are working on simulations to obtain the best design, able to handle high rate and properly separate muons from pions at relatively low momentum. We would like to present our progress and the status of this R&D work, and discuss the perspectives for other experiments beyond JLab.

Primary author

Mahmoud Gomina (Virginia Tech)


Marie BOER (Virginia Tech)

Presentation materials

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