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Mar 14 – 16, 2025
Anaheim Convention Center
US/Pacific timezone
Full registration, incl. payment of the workshop fee, is open

Baryon number dynamics from RHIC to the LHC

Mar 14, 2025, 4:35 PM
203A (Anaheim Convention Center)


Anaheim Convention Center


David Frenklakh (Brookhaven National Laboratory)


Since baryon is a composite particle, one may wonder which degrees of freedom are carrying the conserved charges, including the baryon number. A baryon junction, that arises naturally in a gauge-invariant description of the baryon wavefunction, is a perfect candidate to associate the baryon number with. In this talk I will discuss various possibilities to test the flow of baryon number experimentally, including the recent proposal of studying semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering. The rapidity distribution of baryons produced in high-energy processes depends crucially on the Regge intercepts of exotic states with hidden baryon number. I will go over recent developments in the Feynman-Wilson analog gas model that can be used to estimate such intercepts. Finally, I will explore the possibility of identifying such exotic states as glueballs with lattice QCD.

Primary authors

David Frenklakh (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Prof. Dmitri Kharzeev (Stony Brook University) Prof. Gabriele Veneziano (CERN) Prof. Giancarlo Rossi (Universita di Roma) Prof. Wenliang Li (Mississippi State University)

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