Near-threshold production of phi mesons has been suggested as an observable sensitive to the strangeness D-term, a quantity that dictates how strange quarks contribute to the mechanical forces inside the proton. I will discuss whether or not this process can be measured at the EIC.
The Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) will be a novel experimental facility to use a golden process called Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS). It is designed to explore the properties of gluons in nucleons and nuclei in order to understand the building blocks of visible matter in the universe. The EIC community outlined the physics program of the EIC in White Paper, and the demanding detector...
We provide a review of the scalar energy-momentum tensor form factors. We present new results for the form factors for the case of phi^4 theory to one-loop order in the perturbative regime and discuss what our results imply.
In the advent of the EIC, coupled with the 12 GeV upgrade at JLab, studying the structure of the proton is entering an era of precision, requiring phenomenologists and theorists to come together and benchmark our results. The EXCLusives via Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning (Exclaim) collaboration, an interdisciplinary effort by ML experts, nuclear theorists and experimentalists...
In order to search for the physics beyond the Standard Model at the precision frontier, it is sometimes essential to account for Next-to-Next- Leading Order (NNLO) theoretical corrections. Using the covariant approach, we calculated the full electroweak leptonic tensor up to quadratic (one loop squared) NNLO (α^3) order, which can be used for the processes like e−p and μ− p scattering relevant...
The proximity-focusing Ring Imaging CHerenkov (pfRICH) detector is crucial for particle identification (PID) in the electron-going direction in $-3.5 < \eta < -1.5$ in ePIC at BNL. As a high-energy charged particle passes through a medium, it emits Cherenkov radiation at an angle related to the speed at which it is traveling. A separation of particle species among $e$, $\pi$, $K$ and $p$ is...
This paper presents improvements and design alterations made to the Evaporator System located in Stony Brook University S103, as well as an analysis of the techniques used for general operation and the specific application of creating a mirror for pfRICH. The evaporation process can be used to deposit a thin film of material upon a substrate, requiring a comprehensive vacuum system, and a...
Nuclear physics pertains to the understanding of the structure and dynamics of the nuclei of atoms, accounting for almost all of the visible matter in the universe. The future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) will play a crucial role in discovering new laws of Nuclear Physics. A pivotal aspect of the EIC is exceptional particle identification (PID). Identifying charged hadrons in their final state...
AstroPix is an HV-CMOS monolithic silicon sensor and one of the main components along with the Pb/SciFi calorimeter of the Barrel Imaging Calorimeter (BIC) for the ePIC. Interleaved with the calorimeter layers, the AstroPix layers enable meeting the performance requirements for the Barrel Imaging Calorimeter, including electron/pion separation and gamma/pion discrimination.
The sensor has...