2:40 PM
Particle Identification Performance Studies with pfRICH Simulations *
Youqi Song
(Yale University)
3:00 PM
A GridPix-based Time Projection Chamber *
Isaac Mooney
(Yale / BNL)
3:40 PM
Thin Film Evaporation Process and Result at SBU for pfRICH Mirrors *
Preet Mann
(Stony Brook University (CFNS))
4:00 PM
Construction of a Cosmic Ray Telescope for the hpDIRC Radiators at the Electron Ion Collider *
Nathan Shankman
(Stony Brook University)
4:20 PM
The Performance of the AstroPix Sensor for the Barrel Imaging Calorimeter in ePIC
Bobae Kim
(Argonne National Laboratory)
4:40 PM
Structure Formation in the Proton Sea: Diquark Capture in QCD Fock States [Remote]
Jennifer Rittenhouse West
(UC Berkeley)
5:20 PM
dRICH Prototype Beam Test: Overview and First Results *
Nicola Rubini
(University and INFN of Bologna)
5:40 PM
Construction of SiPM-on-tile ZDC prototype
Sebouh Paul
(UC Riverside)
6:00 PM
ePIC simulation campaigns
Sakib Rahman
6:20 PM
Performance of the nHCal based on Simulations *
Subhadip Pal
6:40 PM
Luminosity Monitor * [remote]
Aranya Giri
(University of Houston (US))
7:00 PM
Outreach oppertunity
Fernando Flor
(Yale University)