1:15 PM
XEM2 (x >1 and EMC Effect) Experiments in Hall C
Burcu Duran
1:35 PM
Status update on the commissioning and full analysis of the x>1 experiment
Casey Morean
(University of Tennessee)
1:55 PM
Generalized polarizabilities of the proton: new results and future measurements
Hamza Atac
(Temple University)
2:15 PM
Peter Bosted
(William and Mary)
2:50 PM
LT Separation Experiments in Hall C
Nathan Heinrich
(University of Regina)
3:10 PM
The update on the g2, d2 experiment E12-06-121
Junhao Chen
(College of William and Mary)
3:30 PM
Update on A1n Analysis
Mingyu Chen
(University of Virginia)