Although its main focus is hadron physics, Jefferson Lab (JLab) features a significant experimental program dedicated to beyond Standard Model (BSM) physics, including the search for new light particles possibly explaining the Dark Matter problem. Experiments such as APEX,HPS and BDX-mini, aim to exploit CEBAF unique capabilities to produce and detect Dark Photons, hypothetical bosons acting as a "portal" to a new Dark Sector of particles. In a future perspective, secondary beams at JLab can be exploited to further explore scenarios beyond hadron physics: intense muon and neutrino beams could in fact be extracted from the beam-dumps of the laboratory and put to use. Future upgrades of the facility offer even more opportunities, such as the possibility to run light Dark Matter experiments using dedicated positron beams.
After an overview of the addressed physics scenarios, my talk will briefly review BSM experimental efforts currently running at JLab and will present new opportunities arising from the use of secondary beams and future CEBAF upgrades.