Electron scattering has provided some of the cornerstone experiments for the establishment of the electroweak (EW) sector of the Standard Model, in particular in its neutral-current (NC) sector. With the addition of a positron beam, one could expand such studies but in order to maximize the physics impact, our focus is not to measure the charge-counterpart observables as for electron scattering, but rather to study new observables that arise from comparing $e^+$ and $e^-$ scatterings. In this talk, I will discuss ideas about using a possible positron beam at JLab to measure lepton-charge asymmetry $A_{e^+e^-}$, the possibility of extracting the axial-axial electron-quark effective coupling $g^{eq}_{AA}$, and the level of control for both experimental systematic effects and QED higher-order corrections that is needed for such EW physics study.