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Mar 28 – 30, 2022
Jefferson Lab / Messina University
Europe/Paris timezone

Opportunities beyond hadron physics: BDX, nuBDX, JPOS

Mar 30, 2022, 5:30 PM
Jefferson Lab / Messina University

Jefferson Lab / Messina University

Polo Papardo, edificio SBA, Viale Ferdinando Stagno d'Alcontres 31, Messina (Italy)


Mariangela Bondi (INFN)


Upgrades of the CEBAF accelerator can turn JLAB into the reference lepton-beam facility at intensity frontier opening new research opportunities beyond hadron physics. The upgraded machine will add new capabilities including positron beams and high intensity secondary beams of muons, neutrinos and, if exists, light dark matter particles.
To take advantage of these opportunities new and/or modified infrastructures in terms of civil constructions and detectors are required. This contribution aims to give an overview of the several experiments that can exploit the secondary beams available in the future at JLAB, providing for each of them, a description of the necessary infrastructures and an indicative timeline for their realization.

Primary author

Mariangela Bondi (INFN)

Presentation materials