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Jul 29 – 30, 2021
Online Only
US/Eastern timezone

Constraints on Gluon Distribution Functions in the Nucleon and Nucleus from Open Charm Hadron Production

Jul 30, 2021, 11:25 AM
Online Only

Online Only


Matthew Kelsey (Wayne State University)


Measurements of hard probes such as heavy flavor in deep inelastic scatterings will be an essential component to the EIC physics program and are one of the detector R\&D driving aspects. In this talk we will present the projected statistical precision of open charm hadron production through exclusive hadronic channel reconstruction with a silicon detector concept currently being developed using a PYTHIA-based simulation. We further study the impact of possible intrinsic charm in the proton on projected data, and estimate the constraint on the nuclear gluon parton distribution function (PDF) from the charm structure functions $F_{2}^{c\overline{c}}$ in $e$+Au collisions using a Bayesian PDF re-weighting technique.

Primary author

Matthew Kelsey (Wayne State University)

Presentation materials