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Workshop on forward physics and QCD with LHC, EIC, and cosmic rays (20-23 January 2021): Overview · Indico (


Hadron production at very forward rapidities is studied in high-energy proton-proton/ion scattering, lepton-proton/ion scattering, and cosmic ray physics and represents a topic of common interest to these fields. The forward region offers unique opportunities for exploring QCD in small-x and diffractive processes and presents specific experimental challenges in forward hadron detection.

The purpose of the workshop is to bring together experimentalists and theorists in high-energy collider experiments and cosmic ray physics, to review the status of forward physics, discuss the  opportunities and challenges, and realize synergies between the different fields. Discussions will focus on present experiments at the CERN LHC and RHIC BNL, the forward physics program with the future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC), and the connections with cosmic ray physics.

This workshop follows the series of meetings held in Nagoya, Japan (2015), Nagoya Japan (2017), Stony Brook, New York (2018), and Guanajuato, Mexico (2019).

The event will be hosted by Jefferson Lab and take place from January 20 through January 23, 2021. Because of the on-going pandemic situation, the meeting is expected to be held on-line.


The topics discussed during the workshop are:

  • QCD at small-x, non-linear phenomena, and parton saturation

  • Forward jets and high-p_T dissociation as a probe of saturation

  • Diffractive and coherent processes on heavy and light nuclei

  • Nuclear parton densities and shadowing

  • Exclusive processes on proton and generalized parton distributions

  • Spin/flavor and quantum number exchange in small-x processes

  • Total cross sections and soft diffraction

  • Cosmic ray physics and neutrinos

  • Forward detection in collider experiments.

