Experiments I
- Lena Heijkenskjöld (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)
We performed searches for axion-like particles (ALPs) at SPring-8, one of the largest synchrotron radiation facility in the world. The searches are based on the light-shining-through-a-wall technique, and two different electromagnetic field sources, high-repetition pulsed magnets and atomic electric fields in a single crystal, are used for the photon-ALP conversion. The detail of the searches...
In Japan, there are some facilities where GeV-class photon beam is available. In SPring-8, LEPS/LEPS2 experiment is on-going. LEPS2 experiment is aiming to open a new field of physics by using a highly polarized photon beam from backward Compton scattering. In ELPH, FOREST experiment composed of calorimeters and a forward spectrometer is on-going.
The property and status of each facility is...
Precision measurements of several η(′) decay channels, with emphasis on rare neutral modes, will be carried out at the Jefferson Lab Eta Factory (JEF). This experiment will employ the baseline GlueX detector at Hall D/Jefferson Lab, augmented by upgrading the central region of the electromagnetic, Forward CALorimeter (FCAL-II) and is scheduled to run in 2023-4. Copious numbers of...