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Sep 5 – 9, 2022
US/Eastern timezone
Thank you to all the participants for a great QNP2022!

Spectral statistics of giant dipole resonance in transitional nuclei

Sep 5, 2022, 2:25 PM


FSU, Tallahassee, FL, USA
oral presentation Nuclear Structure


Amir Jalili (Nankai University)Prof. Feng Pan (Louisiana State University)


Exact solutions for energy eigenvalues and eigenstates for transitional nuclei in the spd-interacting boson model are found by using an infinite dimensional algebraic method. It has been shown that the spd-IBA is a quite powerful model for analyzing nuclear structures. In this lecture, we have studied the GDRs within an extended pairing model with a focus on spectral statistics. The effect of pairing correlations on spectral statistics is the primary result of this lecture. We have found that varying the pairing interaction strength for vector boson is likely to modify the statistical properties of the spectra. We report on a study of the spectral statistics associated with dipole resonances in medium mass nuclei. Calculated energy spectra around the critical point of the vibrational to γ -soft transitions emerge to approach those of a Gaussian orthogonal ensemble, while near the rotational and vibrational limits of the theory, the spectra exhibit a more regular pattern. By changing the weights of the pairing terms in Hamiltonian, results are obtained that show more regular‑like statistics over the critical point area. Because of the reasonable success of the giant dipole resonance in chaos and regularity of nuclei, the investigation of another extension of the interacting boson model in sdf-, sdg-, and spdf-boson systems should be possible.

speaker affiliation Nankai University

Primary authors

Amir Jalili (Nankai University) Prof. Feng Pan (Louisiana State University) Prof. Yan An Luo (Nankai University) Prof. Jerry Draayer (Louisiana State University)

Presentation materials