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Sep 5 – 9, 2022
US/Eastern timezone
Thank you to all the participants for a great QNP2022!

Recent Results from Near-Threshold J/psi Photo-production Measurement in Hall C at Jefferson Lab

Sep 8, 2022, 12:55 PM


FSU, Tallahassee, FL, USA
oral presentation Proton


Burcu Duran (Temple University)


$J/\psi$ photo-production near threshold provides a unique window into the non-perturbative structure of the gluonic fields of the nucleon, enabling access to information regarding the origin of its mass and mass radius. In the Jefferson Lab E12-16-007 experiment, we measured the two-dimensional $J/\psi$ photo-production cross-section as a function of photon energy $E_{\gamma}$ and momentum transfer $t$ near-threshold. The E12-16-007 experiment was conducted in the experimental Hall C using a high-intensity bremsstrahlung photon beam generated by a 10.6 GeV incident electron beam traversing a copper radiator upstream of a liquid hydrogen target. We will present new results on the two-dimensional $J/\psi$ photo-production cross-section measurement in photon energy $E_{\gamma}$ and $t$, and their impact on our knowledge of the proton mass radius and the relative quantum anomalous energy contribution to its mass.

speaker affiliation University of Tennessee

Primary author

Burcu Duran (Temple University)

Presentation materials