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Sep 5 – 9, 2022
US/Eastern timezone
Thank you to all the participants for a great QNP2022!

Recent advances on jet quenching

Sep 7, 2022, 12:30 PM


FSU, Tallahassee, FL, USA


Alba Soto-Ontoso (IPhT)


Jet physics represents a cornerstone in the on-going endeavour to pinpoint the effect of a hot, thermal medium, namely the quark gluon plasma, in QCD dynamics. In this talk, I will revisit our understanding of the jet-medium interaction with a particular emphasis on the interplay between vacuum and in-medium radiation. Further, I will discuss the usefulness of jet substructure observables to probe the perturbative regime of jet evolution and the current challenges on interpreting jet substructure measurements in heavy-ion collisions.

speaker affiliation Institute de Physique Theorique

Primary author

Presentation materials