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Sep 5 – 9, 2022
US/Eastern timezone
Thank you to all the participants for a great QNP2022!

A New Structure in the Deuteron and Non-Nucleonic Components

Sep 5, 2022, 1:45 PM


FSU, Tallahassee, FL, USA


Misak Sargsian (Florida International University)


We demonstrate that paradigm shift from considering deuteron as a system of bound proton
and neutron to considering it as a pseudo-vector system in which we observe proton and neutron, results in a possibility of probing a new "incomplete" P-state structure on the light-front (LF), at extremely large internal momenta, which can be achieved at high energy transfer electro-disintegration of the deuteron.
Investigating the deuteron on the light-front, where the vacuum-fluctuations are suppressed, we found that this new structure, together with conventional
S- and D- states, is a leading order in transferred energy of the reaction, thus it is not suppressed on the light-front.The incompleteness of the observed P-state results in a violation of angular condition which can happen only if deuteron contains non-nucleonic structures such as $\Delta$-$\Delta$, $N^*N$ or hidden color components. We demonstrate that experimentally verifiable signatures of ``incomplete" P-states are transverse momentum dependence of
LF momentum distribution of the nucleon in the deuteron as well as an enhancement of the tensor polarization strength beyond the S- and D- wave predictions at large internal momenta in the deuteron.

speaker affiliation Florida International University

Primary author

Misak Sargsian (Florida International University)

Presentation materials