Both muon and hadron beams with a energy up to few hundred GeV are available at the M2 beamline of the CERN/SPS. AMBER (Apparatus for Meson and Baryon Experimental Research) is a new fixed-target experiment started in 2021. An ambitious experimental program of AMBER address the various aspects of the so-called Emergence of Hadron Mass mechanism: the charge radii of various hadrons, parton momentum distributions in mesons, as well as the kaon polarizability and the kaon-induced hadron spectroscopy. The first phase of the program incudes: measurements of the proton charge radius in muon-proton scattering to address a long-standing puzzle, measurements of the antiproton production cross section in proton-helium collisions to provide valuable input for the searches of Dark Matter, and pion-induced Drell-Yan and J/psi production measurements to improve knowledge of the meson structure.