Please make sure you're logged in (button on top right corner on this site)
You need a JLab indico account to upload your presentation. If you are not already in possession of one, please register. Once this is done check your e-mail in order to confirm this request.
To do the uploading itself:
- Click in the menu on "My Contributions", then
- Click on your presentations "title"
- Click on the little red icon to the left of your presentation's "title".
- In Add New Material/ Type : choose "slides"
- Click on "Browse" look for your presentation and click on Submit.
That's it...
If you have not had time to upload your presentation beforehand (or are having too much trouble), please send it to Alberto, or bring a usb key and we'll upload it before the meeting.
If you have not had time to upload your presentation beforehand (or are having too much trouble), please send it to Alberto, or bring a usb key and we'll upload it before the meeting.