Workshop on Science at Jefferson Lab's Low Energy Recirculator Facility (LERF)
F113 (CEBAF Center)
CEBAF Center
12000 Jefferson Avenue
Newport News, VA 23606-4468
The Low Energy Recirculator Facility (LERF) at Jefferson Lab, which houses an Energy Recovery Linac and 6 User Labs, provides excellent opportunities for fundamental and applied science research as well as education and training. The equipment at LERF falls into two broad categories: the accelerator in a radiation shelded vault, and well-equipped User Labs which can be employed independently of the accelerator. The User Labs house state-of-the-art equipment for Pulsed Laser Deposition, Micro-Machining, XHV vacuum work, laser-generated TeraHertz with associated instrumentation, and pulsed fiber laser development.
The goal of this workshop is to inform researchers and educators of opportunities at the LERF facility, and explore its research and educational potential. The expected outcome of the workshop will be a list of research and education activities that could benefit regional and national institutions, and indicate a path to continued realization of LERF's potential.