Felix Ringer
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
We review the treatment of inclusive jets and their substructure within Soft Collinear Effective Theory (SCET). The cross section for these observables can be written in a factorized form in terms of hard functions and so-called semi-inclusive jet functions. The semi-inclusive jet functions satisfy renormalization group (RG) equations which take the form of standard timelike DGLAP evolution equations, analogous to collinear fragmentation functions. By solving these RG equations, the resummation of potentially large single logarithms $(\alpha_s \ln R)^n$ can be achieved. An important example of jet substructure observables are the distributions of hadrons inside a reconstructed jet. In particular, we focus on the fragmentation of heavy quark flavors inside jets. We present numerical results at NLO+NLL$_R$ accuracy and compare to existing data from the LHC.
Primary author
Felix Ringer
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Ivan Vitev
Zhongbo Kang
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)