Gerald Miller
(UW, Seattle)
This talk reviews our current understanding of how the internal quark structure of a nucleon bound in nuclei differs from that of a free nucleon. We focus on the interpretation of measurements of the EMC effect for valence quarks, a reduction in the Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) cross-section ratios for nuclei relative to deuterium, and its possible connection to nucleon-nucleon Short-Range Correlations (SRC) in nuclei. Our review of the available experimental and theoretical evidence shows that there is a
phenomenological relation between between the EMC effect and the effects of SRC that is not an accident. There is an underlying cause of both effects: the influence of strongly correlated neutron-proton pairs is largely responsible. This conclusion needs to be solidified by the future experiments and improved theoretical analyses.
Primary author
Gerald Miller
(UW, Seattle)