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Feb 1 – 3, 2017
Mezzanine level
US/Eastern timezone

Short-range NN interactions: Experimental Past and Future

Feb 1, 2017, 4:25 PM
Harding (Mezzanine level)


Mezzanine level

Marriott Wardman Park, 2660 Woodley Rd. NW, Washington, DC 20008


Prof. Nadia Fomin (University of Tennessee)


High momentum components of the nuclear wave-function are believed to arise as a result of short-range NN correlations in the ground state. The 6 GeV era at Jefferson Lab has yielded a wealth of information about these high momentum nucleons across many nuclei, and revealed a tantalizing connection to the EMC effect, possibly linking very different kinematic regimes. Existing measurements will be reviewed and future measurement plans will be discussed.

Primary author

Prof. Nadia Fomin (University of Tennessee)

Presentation materials