Hiroshi Ohno
(University of Tsukuba)
In this talk I will show our recent lattice studies on the QCD equation of state (EoS) at non-vanishing baryon chemical potential. The QCD EoS has been calculated with Taylor expansions including contributions from up to sixth order in baryon, strangeness and electric charge chemical potentials in a temperature range between 135 and 330 MeV. Using 4 different sets of lattice cut-offs, continuum extrapolations of thermodynamic quantities have been performed. I will discuss truncation effects of Taylor expansions. I will also show results of lines of constant pressure, energy and entropy densities in $T$-$\mu_B$ plane and compare them with the QCD chiral crossover line as well as experimental results on freeze-out parameters in heavy ion collisions. Then, I will discuss the location of a possible critical point.
Primary author
Hiroshi Ohno
(University of Tsukuba)