Soeren Schlichting
(University of Washington)
2/1/17, 9:00 AM
Over the past decades relativistic heavy-ion collision experiments have revealed exciting properties of nuclear matter under extreme conditions. While a first principle theoretical description of the space-time dynamics of a heavy-ion collision remains an outstanding challenge, significant progress has been achieved and I will discuss recent theoretical developments in this direction....
2/1/17, 9:30 AM
Anomalous chiral transport processes, with the notable example of Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME) and Chiral Magnetic Wave (CMW), are remarkable phenomena that manifest microscopic quantum anomaly of chiral fermions in a macroscopic many-body setting. Significant progress has been achieved both in their theoretical understanding and in their experimental search. In this talk, an elementary...
Evangeline Downie
(George Washington University)
2/1/17, 10:00 AM
The proton radius puzzle is the difference between the radius of the proton as measured with electron scattering and atomic hydrogen spectroscopy, and that measured in muonic hydrogen. In 2010, the CREMA Collaboration published their measurement of the proton radius $R_p=0.8409(4)$ fm, which was made by studying the Lamb shift in muonic hydrogen. Although ten times more precise than the...
Alessandro Bacchetta
(University of Pavia and INFN Pavia)
2/1/17, 11:00 AM
I will describe recent efforts to extract Transverse Momentum Distributions (TMDs) from measurements in semi-inclusive DIS, Drell-Yan processes, and Z boson production. These efforts can be considered as the first attempt at a global fit of unpolarized TMDs. The results are encouraging, but several open challenges remain to be addressed and more experimental information is needed to improve...
Susan Gardner
(University of Kentucky)
2/1/17, 11:00 AM
I review the manner in which heavy intrinsic quarks in hadrons appear in QCD, offering
an overview of theoretical predictions and existing experimental constraints.
I also discuss possible future probes and phenomenological consequences.
Derek Teaney
(Stony Brook),
Derek Teaney
(Stony Brook)
2/1/17, 11:00 AM
We use effective kinetic theory, accurate at weak coupling, to simulate the preequilibrium evolution of transverse energy and flow perturbations in heavy-ion collisions. We provide a Green function which propagates the initial perturbations to the energymomentum tensor at a time when hydrodynamics becomes applicable. With this map, the complete pre-thermal evolution from saturated nuclei to...
Raul Briceno
(Jefferson Lab)
2/1/17, 11:00 AM
The non-perturbative nature of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) has historically left a gap in our understanding of the connection between the fundamental theory of the strong interactions and the rich structure of experimentally observed phenomena. For the simplest properties of stable hadrons, this is now circumvented with the use of lattice QCD (LQCD). In this talk I discuss a path towards a...
Andreas Metz
(Physics Department, Temple University, Philadelphia)
2/1/17, 11:25 AM
We give a brief overview of the field of Generalized TMDs. In particular, we address the question if/how Generalized TMDs could be measured.
Andrea Signori
(Jefferson Lab)
2/1/17, 11:25 AM
I will illustrate some of the opportunities for hadron structure studies at a future multi-purpose fixed-target experiment at the LHC. The proton beams at the LHC allow for the most energetic fixed-target experiments ever performed, opening new kinematic windows on hadron and nuclear physics which integrate the knowledge available from collider experiments (in particular RHIC and EIC).
Daniel Lersch
(Juelich Research Center)
2/1/17, 11:25 AM
The amplitude of the isospin violating decay $\eta\rightarrow\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0$ is sensitive to the ratio Q of the light quark masses. This decay amplitude is accessible via a Dalitz Plot analysis, resulting in a set of parameters which can be compared to theoretical predictions. The latest measurements on those parameters have been performed by the KLOE and the WASA-at-COSY experiment. The...
Alexei Bazavov
(Michigan State University)
2/1/17, 11:25 AM
The equation of state (EoS) in 2+1 flavor QCD has recently been established in the continuum limit at the physical quark masses. The HotQCD collaboration result provides the EoS in the temperature range from 130 to 400 MeV. We extend the HotQCD equation of state to higher temperatures. We utilize the Highly Improved Staggered Quarks (HISQ) action. We perform computations at the pion mass of...
Lijuan Ruan
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
2/1/17, 11:50 AM
I will review the most recent open heavy flavor and quarkonium results at RHIC and present how we use the heavy flavor probes to study the properties of the medium created at RHIC.
Philip Ilten
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
2/1/17, 11:50 AM
The unique design of the LHCb detector allows for novel methods of
probing intrinsic charm (IC). Its forward coverage and excellent
c-tagging capabilities provide sensitivity to valence-like IC from Z +
charm-jet events in pp collisions. The System for Measuring the
Overlap with Gas (SMOG), initially designed for precision luminosity
measurements, can also be used as a fixed target...
Markus Diefenthaler
(Jefferson Lab)
2/1/17, 11:50 AM
In a collaboration between Jefferson Lab and the Pythia collaboration, we aim to map the non-perturbative description of hadronization in the Pythia Monte Carlo Event Generator (MCEG) to the correlation functions of TMD factorization. In a LDRD project, we investigate the connection between the description of hadronization phenomena in nuclear and high-energy physics, work towards a MCEG for...
Liping Gan
(University of North Carolina Wilmington)
2/1/17, 11:50 AM
Light neutral meson decays provide a unique laboratory to test fundamental symmetries in physics. A comprehensive Primakoff experimental program at Jefferson Laboratory (JLab) is aimed at gathering high precision measurements on the two-photon decay widths and the transition form factors at low four-momentum transfer squares for $\pi^0$, $\eta$ and $\eta^{\prime}$ via the Primakoff effect. The...
Alexei Prokudin
(Penn State Berks)
2/1/17, 12:15 PM
Recent measurements of spin asymmetry for pion in jet by STAR Collaboration show little sensitivity to QCD evolution. In this talk I will apply TMD factorization to this process and give a detailed explanation of observed asymmetries.
Johann Marton
(Stefan Meyer Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences)
2/1/17, 12:15 PM
There is substantial progress in the understanding of the strong interaction involving strange quarks. However, many aspects of the interactions of antikaons with nucleons and nuclei are still open which are also related to the open question about the role of strangeness in neutron stars. The K- nucleon interaction is strongly attractive at low energies in agreement to theory. This attraction...
Jeremy Green
(DESY Zeuthen)
2/1/17, 2:00 PM
Recent progress in lattice QCD calculations of hadron structure will be reviewed, with an emphasis on nucleon structure. A wide range of nucleon observables are being studied in modern lattice calculations. The axial charge and electromagnetic form factors are well known from experiment, and serve as benchmarks for lattice calculations. Sigma terms and tensor and scalar charges are relevant...
Christine Davies
(University of Glasgow)
2/1/17, 3:00 PM
The quark mass and strong coupling constant parameters of the QCD Lagrangian are free parameters in the Standard Model and can only be determined by comparison of theory and experiment.
Lattice QCD gives us direct access to the QCD Lagrangian and so is well-suited to the determination of these parameters. I will review the methods used to date, the results obtained and prospects for future...
Michael Doring
(George Washington U and Jefferson Lab)
2/1/17, 4:00 PM
Photoproduction experiments provide a key to finding new baryonic
resonances. New precise measurements of polarization observables emerge
from FROST at JLab and from other facilities around the world like ELSA
and MAMI, allowing to determine the multipoles and baryonic resonance
parameters to much increased precision. The impact from FROST data is
discussed and improvements for future...
Gerald Miller
(UW, Seattle)
2/1/17, 4:00 PM
This talk reviews our current understanding of how the internal quark structure of a nucleon bound in nuclei differs from that of a free nucleon. We focus on the interpretation of measurements of the EMC effect for valence quarks, a reduction in the Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) cross-section ratios for nuclei relative to deuterium, and its possible connection to nucleon-nucleon Short-Range...
Enrico Scomparin
(INFN Torino, Italy)
2/1/17, 4:00 PM
The study of the production of quarkonia in heavy-ion collisions represents one of the most important tools for the characterization of the Quark-Gluon Plasma. In particular, the screening of the color force in a deconfined medium is predicted to lead to a suppression of the production of charmonium and bottomonium states with respect to the yields observed in pp collisions. At the same time,...
Yibo Yang
(University of Kentucky)
2/1/17, 4:00 PM
Higgs boson provides the source of the fundamental particle mass. But how it is related to the proton mass and then the mass of the observable matters, is an interesting, important, and yet unanswered question. The total masses of the three valence quark in the proton are less than 10 MeV which is directly related to the Higgs boson, while the total proton mass is 938MeV. It is clear that the...
Phiala Shanahan
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
2/1/17, 4:25 PM
We present an exploratory study of the gluonic structure of the $\phi$ meson using lattice QCD (LQCD). This includes the first investigation of gluonic transversity via the leading moment of the twist-two double-helicity-flip gluonic structure function $\Delta(x,Q^2)$. This structure function only exists for targets of spin $J\ge1$ and does not mix with quark distributions at leading twist,...
Alexander Rothkopf
(Institute for Theoretical Physics, Heidelberg University)
2/1/17, 4:25 PM
Heavy quarkonium presents a unique probe of the quark-gluon plasma produced in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. While Bottomonium is expected to act as a test particle traversing the medium in the collision center, recent measurements of finite J/ψ flow by the ALICE collaboration hint at the participation of the charm quarks in the collectivity of the bulk.
Here we present our recent...
Justin Landay
(George Washington University)
2/1/17, 4:25 PM
Partial-wave analysis of experimental data provides the point
of comparison between many theoretical approaches and Nature. The
parametrization of partial waves is guided by theoretical principles of
scattering theory and effective approaches to QCD; however, data
themselves can be used to find the simplest model from a large class of
possible ones, to deliver a minimally parametrized yet...
Nadia Fomin
(University of Tennessee)
2/1/17, 4:25 PM
High momentum components of the nuclear wave-function are believed to arise as a result of short-range NN correlations in the ground state. The 6 GeV era at Jefferson Lab has yielded a wealth of information about these high momentum nucleons across many nuclei, and revealed a tantalizing connection to the EMC effect, possibly linking very different kinematic regimes. Existing measurements...
Alessandro Pilloni
(Jefferson Lab)
2/1/17, 4:40 PM
We review some of the recent achievements of the Joint Physics Analysis Center, a theoretical collaboration with ties to experimental collaborations, which aims at providing amplitudes suitable for the analysis of the experimental data on hadron physics. Since its foundation in 2013, the group is focused on hadron spectroscopy in preparation for the present and forthcoming high statistics...
Johannes Heinrich Weber
(Technische Universität München)
2/1/17, 4:50 PM
I discuss lattice calculations of the Polyakov loop and of Polyakov loop correlators for QCD with 2+1 flavors and almost physical quark masses using the highly improved staggered quark action (HISQ).
I elucidate how the Polyakov loop and related observables behave in the crossover region and how these observables probe the deconfinement aspects of the crossover.
I examine the short- and...
Burcu Duran
(Temple University)
2/1/17, 5:00 PM
We will present on the recently approved Jefferson Lab experiment E12-16-007 which aims at measuring the $J/\psi$ photoproduction cross section as a function of proton momentum transfer variable $t$ and photon energy $E\gamma$ in the region of the recently discovered LHCb charmed pentaquark $P_{c}(4380)$ and $P_{c}(4450)$ resonances. The experiment will be performed using the Hall C HMS and...
David Richards
(Jefferson Lab)
2/1/17, 5:15 PM
We show how momentum-space derivatives of hadron form factors can be related to their coordinate space moments computed in lattice QCD through a Fourier Transform. The method provides a priori information about the Q^2 dependence of form factors. As a specific application of the method, we obtain the slope of the isovector form factor of the nucleon at the various Q^2 accessible on the...
Kyle Bednar
(Kent State University)
2/1/17, 5:15 PM
The parton structure of the nucleon is investigated using QCD's Dyson-Schwinger equations (DSEs). The formalism used here builds in numerous features of a QCD approach, for example, the dressing of parton propagators and dynamical formation of non-pointlike di-quark correlations. All needed elements, including the nucleon wave function solution from a Poincar\'e covariant Faddeev equation,...
Claudia Patrignani
(Universita' di Bologna and INFN Bologna)
2/1/17, 5:20 PM
The BABAR Collaboration has an intensive program studying hadronic cross sections in
low-energy e+e- annihilations, accessible via initial-state radiation.
Our measurements allow significant improvements in the precision of the
predicted value of the muon anomalous magnetic moment.
These improvements are necessary for shedding light on the current ~3 sigma
difference between the...
Bowen Wang
(Old Dominion University)
2/2/17, 9:00 AM
The transverse-momentum-dependent (TMD) factorization has been applied to make theoretical predictions for many TMD processes with a large enough momentum scale. In this framework, transverse momenta of both perturbative and nonperturbative origin are incorporated. It is very non-trivial to make the transition between these two types of dynamics, especially when the hard momentum scale is...
Bakur Parsamyan
(University of Turin and INFN)
2/2/17, 9:30 AM
The COMPASS experiment (SPS, CERN) covers a broad range of physics aspects in the field of hadron structure and spectroscopy. Particular focus is given to the exploration of the transverse spin structure of the nucleon via the study of spin (in)dependent azimuthal asymmetries measured in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering (SIDIS) and Drell-Yan (DY). Within QCD parton model approach,...
Claudia Patrignani
(Universita' di Bologna and INFN Bologna)
2/2/17, 10:00 AM
A number of states containing heavy quarks have been observed in recent years by many experiments. Their properties are, at best, difficult to reconcile with a conventional meson interpretation; some of them are manifestly exotic.
I will present recent results from LHC aimed at understanding the nature of these puzzling states
Kamal SETH
(Northwestern University)
2/2/17, 11:00 AM
The results of the first measurements of the electromagnetic form factors of hyperons, Λ0, Σ0, Σ+, Ξ0, Ξ−, and Ω− for the large timelike momentum transfer of |Q2| = 14.2 GeV2 are presented by analyzing data taken with the CLEO detector for 805 pb−1 of e+e− annihilations at ψ(3770), √s = 3.77 GeV, and 586 pb-1 at √s = 4.17 GeV at the CESR collider. Updated results for inclusive production of...
Kazuhiro Watanabe
2/2/17, 11:00 AM
Heavy quark pair production in high energy proton-nucleus (pA) collisions provides valuable information of the gluon saturation dynamics in a heavy nucleus at small value of Bjorken x. Nowadays, large amounts of data accumulated by RHIC and LHC enable us to examine calculations in small-x saturation formalism or Color Glass Condensate (CGC). Essentially, heavy quark pair production has been...
Jianhui Zhang
(University of Regensburg)
2/2/17, 11:00 AM
In recent years impressive progress has been made on directly calculating the full x-dependence of parton quantities from the quasi ones that are defined as spatial correlators. In this talk, I will discuss the quasi parton distribution and some recent results on its application to calculating parton distributions.
Michael Kohl
(Hampton University)
2/2/17, 11:00 AM
Hard two-photon exchange has been favored theoretically to explain the previously observed discrepancy in measurements of the elastic proton electric-to-magnetic form factor ratio with polarized and unpolarized methods. Several experiments have been carried out to investigate the effects of two-photon exchange. The OLYMPUS experiment at DESY has been one of three dedicated experiments to use...
John Ralston
(University of Kansas)
2/2/17, 11:20 AM
The "proton size puzzle'' and the "muon anomalous moment problem'' are incomplete descriptions of significant discrepancies between experiments and standard model calculations. Actually the field has confronted a new regime of ultra-precise physics where traditional piece-meal analysis methods are no longer self-consistent. Determining the proton size $r_{p}$, the Rydberg constant...
Heikki Mäntysaari
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
2/2/17, 11:25 AM
Exclusive vector meson production can be used to directly probe the gluon density of a hadron. Measuring the cross section differentially in transverse momentum transfer makes it possible to determine the transverse density profile (via coherent diffraction) and density fluctuations (incoherent diffraction) of the target hadron. This knowledge about the geometric fluctuations of the proton is...
Martha Constantinou
(Temple University)
2/2/17, 11:25 AM
Parton distribution functions (PDFs) provide important information on
the quark and gluon structure of hadrons which, at leading twist, they
give the probability of finding a specific parton in the hadron
carrying certain momentum and spin, in the infinite momentum frame.
Due to the fact that PDFs are light-cone correlation functions, they
cannot be computed directly on a Euclidean...
Beatrice Ramstein
(Institut de Physique Nucleaire)
2/2/17, 11:25 AM
Originally designed to study medium effects in $e^+e^-$ production in heavy-ion reactions in the SIS-18 energy range (1-3 GeV/nucleon) [1] installed at GSI is a versatile detector. Its excellent particle identification capabilities allowed for a systematic investigations of dielectron, strange particles and pion production in proton, deuteron or heavy-ion induced reactions on proton or...
Alexander Gramolin
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
2/2/17, 11:40 AM
The ratio of the elastic $e^+ p$ to $e^- p$ scattering cross sections has been measured precisely at the VEPP-3 storage ring (Novosibirsk, Russia). This allows us to determine the hard two-photon exchange contribution to elastic electron-proton scattering, which is believed to be the cause of the apparent discrepancy between the Rosenbluth and polarization transfer methods of measuring the...
Anselm Vossen
(Indiana University)
2/2/17, 11:45 AM
Measurements the transverse polarization of lambda hyperons with respect to their production plane are sensitive to the polarizing fragmentation function $D_{1T}^{\perp \Lambda/q}$. This fragmentation function might be part of the explanation of the significant transverse polarization of Lambda in p+p scattering. It can also seen as the hadronization analogue to the Sivers function, since it...
Kostas Orginos
(William and Mary / JLab)
2/2/17, 11:50 AM
Gradient flow, is a method that allows us to construct lattice quasi PDFs that are finite in the continuum limit. In the small flow time limit, the moments of the smeared quasi PDFs are proportional to those of the light-front PDFs. These proportionality coefficient obey a renormalization group equation that allows us to derive renormalization scale evolution equations for the matching kernel...
Vincent Cheung
(University of California, Davis)
2/2/17, 11:50 AM
Even more than 40 years after the discovery of $J/\psi$, the production
mechanism of quarkonia is still not well understood. Non-Relativistic Quantum
Chromodynamics (NRQCD), perhaps the best known approach for studying quarkonia
production can reproduce the $J/\psi$ $p_T$ distribution. However, the long
distance matrix elements (LDMEs) fitted from the $p_T$ distributions fail to...
Gary Goldstein
(Tufts University)
2/2/17, 12:00 PM
Chiral Even and Odd Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs) for Valence Quarks are obtained in a "flexible" spectator model. The parametrization is constrained by nucleon form factors, PDFs and some earlier Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering data. The model has been extended to cover the full range of experimentally attainable kinematics. A broad range of measured and measurable deeply virtual...
Andrew Jackura
(Indiana University)
2/2/17, 12:05 PM
We present some results on the analysis of $3\pi$ resonances from peripheral scattering of pions off of nuclear targets. The light meson sector is rich with states that can be accessed through three pions. In the modern search for exotic mesons, it is important to understand how to extract resonances in these channels. The analysis is motivated by the recent release of the largest data set on...
Michael Engelhardt
(New Mexico State University)
2/2/17, 12:15 PM
Quark orbital angular momentum (OAM) in the nucleon can be evaluated directly by employing a Wigner function embodying the simultaneous distribution of parton transverse position and momentum. This distribution can be accessed via a generalization of the nucleon matrix elements of quark bilocal operators used to define transverse momentum dependent parton distributions (TMDs). By supplementing...
Abha Rajan
(University of Virginia)
2/2/17, 12:20 PM
It is well known that the valence quark spins do not add up to the proton spin. We probe the partonic orbital angular momentum (OAM) contribution to the spin sum rules using the Generalized Parton Distributions(GPDs) and Generalized Transverse Momentum Distributions (GTMDs). These functions are obtained by parameterizing the QCD quark quark correlator function in different scenarios. By...
Khadeejah ALGhadeer
(Louisiana Tech University)
2/2/17, 12:25 PM
Modeling of the charged-particle multiplicity dependence on transverse momentum, pseudorapidity and the relationship between the mean
transverse momentum and charged-particle multiplicity are presented for pp collisions at center of mass energy $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV with
two different Monte Carlo event generators, Pythia 8 and Herwig++ 2.7.1, including studies of light quarks and heavy...
Bernd Kniehl
(II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Hamburg)
2/2/17, 2:00 PM
We review the present landscape of heavy-quarkonium theory, its tests
by worldwide collider and fixed-target experiments, and the future
perspectives offered by the LHC. Special emphasis is placed on the
effective quantum field theory of nonrelativistic QCD (NRQCD), endowed
with the factorization theorem conjectured by Bodwin, Braaten, and Lepage,
which arguably constitutes the most...
Abhay Deshpande
2/2/17, 2:30 PM
The recently completed NSAC Long Range Plan has recommended an exciting 10+ years of physics program to be conducted in campaigns of critical detector and machine upgrades of the CEBAF and RHIC. Both communities of scientists involved in RHIC and JLab12 programs are expected to combine forces to exploit the exciting opportunities provided by a future Election Ion Collider (EIC) to be built at...
Matthew Sievert
(Los Alamos National Laboratory), Dr
Matthew Sievert
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
2/2/17, 3:00 PM
Parton distribution functions in the small-x limit have long been known to be dominated by gluon bremsstrahlung produced in the BFKL and BK / JIMWLK evolution mechanisms. This small-x gluon cascade generates high color-charge densities, leading to the effective semi-classical theory known as the color-glass condensate (CGC). While this unpolarized small-x evolution has been thoroughly studied,...
Sayipjamal Dulat
(Michigan State)
2/2/17, 4:00 PM
The CTEQ/TEA machinery for measuring Parton Distribution Functions is used to obtain estimates and limits on non-perturabative ("intrinsic") charm quark contributions to the proton wave function.
Craig Roberts
2/2/17, 4:00 PM
Modern facilities are poised to tackle fundamental questions within the Standard Model, aiming to reveal the nature of confinement, its relationship to dynamical chiral symmetry breaking (DCSB) - the origin of visible mass - and the connection between these two, key emergent phenomena. There is strong evidence to suggest that they are intimately connected with the appearance of...
Naoto Tanji
(Heidelberg University)
2/2/17, 4:00 PM
Recent classical-statistical numerical simulations have established the "bottom-up" thermalization scenario of Baier et al. as the correct weak coupling effective theory for thermalization in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions. I will talk on a parametric study of photon production in the various stages of this bottom-up framework and compare the contribution of the off-equilibrium...
Timothy Hobbs
(University of Washington)
2/2/17, 4:25 PM
The array of collider and fixed-target experiments either presently taking data or planned for the near future has renewed a focus on precise determinations of the proton's quark substructure as quantified by its parton distribution functions (PDFs). In this context, special focus has attached to the PDF of the charm quark, given its special relevance to, e.g., collider backgrounds and...
Felix Ringer
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
2/2/17, 4:25 PM
We review the treatment of inclusive jets and their substructure within Soft Collinear Effective Theory (SCET). The cross section for these observables can be written in a factorized form in terms of hard functions and so-called semi-inclusive jet functions. The semi-inclusive jet functions satisfy renormalization group (RG) equations which take the form of standard timelike DGLAP evolution...
Tanja Horn
(Catholic University of America)
2/2/17, 4:25 PM
Meson electroproduction data play an important role in our understanding of hadron structure and the dynamics that bind the basic elements of nuclear physics. Pion and kaon form factors are of particular interest as they are connected to the Goldstone modes of chiral dynamical symmetry breaking. The last decade saw a dramatic improvement in precision of charged pion form factor data and new...
Axel Drees
(Stony Brook University)
2/2/17, 4:25 PM
Over the past years PHENIX has published numerous results on direct photon production from Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV. The
results show a large direct photon excess at low momentum, which increases with centrality, while the inverse slope of ~240
MeV remains independent of centrality within errors. The direct photons are emitted with a large anisotropy with respect to
the reaction plan,...
Ranjan Laha
(KIPAC, Stanford University and SLAC)
2/2/17, 4:50 PM
The discovery of extraterrestrial neutrinos in the $\sim$ 30 TeV -- PeV energy range by IceCube provides new constraints on high energy astrophysics. An important background to the signal are the prompt neutrinos which originate from the decay of charm hadrons produced by high energy cosmic-ray particles interacting in the Earth's atmosphere. It is conventional to use pQCD calculations of...
Chun Shen
(Brookhaven National Lab)
2/2/17, 4:50 PM
Electromagnetic probes are considered as clean messengers from the hot dense medium created in the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). In this talk, I will review the theoretical developments in the study of electromagnetic radiation in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. The recent progress in the rates for photon and lepton pair production is discussed....
Thomas Mehen
(Duke University)
2/2/17, 4:50 PM
We introduce the transverse momentum dependent fragmenting jet function (TMDFJF), which appears in factorization theorems for cross sections for jets with an identified hadron. These are functions of z, the hadron's longitudinal momentum fraction, and transverse momentum, pT, relative to the jet axis. In the framework of Soft-Collinear Effective Theory (SCET) we derive the TMDFJF...
Niklas Mueller
(Institute for Theoretical Physics, Heidelberg University)
2/2/17, 5:15 PM
We present how the dynamics of the Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME) and Chiral Density Waves can be described during the pre-equilibrium stage of a heavy-ion collision, using classical-statistical real-time lattice simulations [1-3]. To this end we present results in a simplified set-up with dynamical (Wilson and Overlap) fermions simultaneously coupled to color and electro-magnetic fields. We...
Bipasha Chakraborty
(Jefferson Lab)
2/2/17, 5:15 PM
The pion electromagnetic form factor, $F_\pi$, is a fundamentally important topic for our understanding of the hadron structure and the transition from perturbative to nonperturbative QCD. JLAB’s experiment E12-06-101 proposes to extend the high quality $F_\pi$ data to $Q^2=6.0$ GeV$^2$ as a part of JLAB’s $12$ GeV upgrade. Being motivated by this, we present our ongoing lattice calculation of...
Nobuo Sato
(Jefferson Lab)
2/2/17, 5:15 PM
We present a new global QCD analysis of spin-dependent PDFs (SPDF)
and fragmentation functions (FF) performed by the JAM (Jefferson Lab
Angular Momentum) Collaboration, based on all available data on
inclusive spin structure functions from CERN, SLAC, DESY and JLab,
and all semi-inclusive hadron production data from electron-positron
annihilation experiments, including the most...
Philip Tanedo
(UC Riverside)
2/3/17, 9:00 AM
As the weakly-interacting massive particle paradigm for dark matter continues to be suffocated by the current generation of experimental searches, many theorists have turned to the proposal that dark matter may be associated with additional new states that mediate dark forces. This modest generalization turns out to offer surprisingly rich phenomenology and new experimental handles to...
Dennis Perepelitsa
(University of Colorado Boulder)
2/3/17, 9:00 AM
Fully reconstructed jets have become a sophisticated and widely-used tool through which to probe the properties of the quark-gluon plasma created in nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC and the LHC. In this talk, I will give an experimental overview of some of the the latest developments in these measurements, including recent results from the LHC Run 2 Pb+Pb data-taking on high-statistics...
Daniel Pitonyak
(Penn State Berks)
2/3/17, 9:00 AM
We review the status of transverse single-spin asymmetries (SSAs) A_N in proton-proton collisions within the collinear twist-3 framework. We use newly derived constraints from Lorentz invariance relations, along with previously known equation of motion relations, to rewrite A_N in terms of a maximum number of so-called kinematical functions, which are weighted integrals of TMD functions. ...
Sanjin Benic
(University of Zagreb)
2/3/17, 9:25 AM
We report on a first NLO computation of photon production in p+A collisions at collider energies within the Color
Glass Condensate framework, significantly extending previous LO results. At central rapidites, our result is the
dominant contribution and probes multi-gluon correlators in nuclei. At high photon momenta, the result is directly
sensitive to the nuclear gluon distribution. We...
Shinsuke Yoshida
(Los Alamos)
2/3/17, 9:25 AM
We discuss the next-leading-order(NLO) transverse-momentum weighted single-transverse spin asymmetry in semi inclusive deep inelastic scattering based on the collinear factorization approach. The leading-order cross section can be expressed in terms of twist-3 functions associated with transverse momentum weighted TMD functions and therefore the NLO contribution provides scale evolution...
Moskov Amaryan
(Old Dominion University)
2/3/17, 9:25 AM
In this talk we discuss the possibility of creating a secondary beam of neutral kaons at JLab. This will allow us to unravel more than a hundred „missing“ hyperon states predicted by the Quark Model and recent lattice QCD calculations, which will have a great impact not only on hadron spectroscopy, but also on fundamental features of thermodynamics of the early universe and heavy-ion...
Michelle Mesquita de Medeiros
(Argonne National Laboratory)
2/3/17, 9:25 AM
SeaQuest/E906 is a fixed target experiment at Fermilab that uses the 120 GeV proton beam from the Main Injector to induce Drell-Yan interactions and study anti-quark distributions in the nucleon. The resulting dimuons from the Drell-Yan interactions between the beam and the targets travel through an iron magnet, which also serves as a beam dump, before reaching the spectrometer. In the...
David Gaskell
(Jefferson Lab)
2/3/17, 9:50 AM
The 11 GeV beam energy available in experimental Halls A, B, and C as part of the Jefferson Lab 12 GeV Upgrade, combined with the new equipment in those halls will provide a rich and diverse physics program. This program includes inclusive measurements used to constrain polarized and unpolarized quark distributions in nucleons, exclusive reactions to access nucleon and meson form factors and...
Simonetta Liuti
(University of Virginia)
2/3/17, 9:50 AM
We will present and discuss how parton orbital angular momentum can be accessed by measuring the correlation of the parton intrinsic transverse momentum and the proton momentum transfer encoded in both twist three Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs) and in matrix elements that depend on the parton transverse momentum (Generalized TMDs).
Christopher Lee
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
2/3/17, 10:10 AM
Logarithms of jet radii R become large in jet cross sections when R is small. In exclusive jet cross sections with jets of energy Q and a veto on additional jets of energy E, we find that logs of R come from ratios of not one but two hierarchies of scales, QR over Q and ER over E. We construct an effective field theory with modes for both hard-collinear and soft-collinear scales QR and ER,...
Stanley Brodsky
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford Univsersity)
2/3/17, 10:15 AM
A remarkable feature of QCD is that the mass scale which controls color confinement and hadron mass scales does not appear explicitly in the QCD Lagrangian. However, de Alfaro, Fubini, and Furlan have shown that a mass scale can appear in the equations of motion without affecting the conformal invariance of the action if one adds a term to the Hamiltonian proportional to the dilatation...
Seamus Riordan
(Stony Brook University)
2/3/17, 10:15 AM
The Super Bigbite project encompasses a set of experiments which utilize the principles of large acceptance, highly reconfigurable magnetic spectrometers that aim to measure fundmental structure of nucleons at high momentum-transfer in experimental Hall A at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility in Newport News, Virginia. These experiments push the bounds of what has been...
Phiala Shanahan
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
2/3/17, 11:10 AM
Experimental tests of QCD through its predictions for the strange quark content of the proton have been drastically restricted by our lack of knowledge of the violation of charge symmetry (CSV). We find unexpectedly tiny CSV in the proton's electromagnetic form factors by performing the first extraction of these quantities based on an analysis of lattice QCD data. The resulting values are an...
Xiaochao Zheng
(University of Virginia)
2/3/17, 11:40 AM
I will focus on the physics of the PVDIS (parity violation in deep inelastic scattering) measurements at Jefferson Lab, both from 6 GeV and for the future 12 GeV program.
Richard Lebed
(Arizona State University)
2/3/17, 12:10 PM
Hadronic physics has been immensely enriched in the past 14 years, with the addition of dozens of presumptive tetraquark and pentaquark states that have been discovered primarily in the charmonium and bottomonium sectors. Every year since 2003 has brought fresh discoveries, so this talk will start with a short tour of the new states and how the field stands at this moment. Then we will tour...
Carlos Munoz Camacho
2/3/17, 2:00 PM
Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) is the easiest reaction that
accesses the Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs) of the nucleon.
GPDs offer the exciting possibility of mapping the 3-D internal
structure of protons and neutrons by providing a transverse image of
the constituents as a function of their longitudinal momentum. A
vigorous experimental program is currently pursued at...
Salvatore Fazio
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
2/3/17, 2:00 PM
Accessing the Sivers TMD function in proton+proton collisions through the measurement
of transverse single spin asymmetries (TSSAs) in weak boson production is an effective path
to test the fundamental QCD prediction of the non-universality of the Sivers function. Furthermore, it provides data to study the spin-flavor structure of valence and sea quarks inside the proton and to test the...
Hiroshi Ohno
(University of Tsukuba)
2/3/17, 2:00 PM
In this talk I will show our recent lattice studies on the QCD equation of state (EoS) at non-vanishing baryon chemical potential. The QCD EoS has been calculated with Taylor expansions including contributions from up to sixth order in baryon, strangeness and electric charge chemical potentials in a temperature range between 135 and 330 MeV. Using 4 different sets of lattice cut-offs,...
Szabolcs Borsanyi
(University of Wuppertal)
2/3/17, 2:25 PM
Fluctuations of electric charge, baryon number and strangeness
are well defined observables in the QCD grand canonical ensemble.
They can be calculated on the lattice at zero and small chemical
potential and can be measured in the RHIC or LHC experiments at
chemical freeze-out. We review the recent lattice results for
higher moments of these fluctuations and discuss their use
in heavy...
Cédric Mezrag
(Argonne National Laboratory)
2/3/17, 2:25 PM
Generalised Parton Distributions (GPDs) has been introduced in the 1990's and have been studied both experimentally and theoretically since then. If the general framework of the field is now well established, the GPDs themselves are still hardly known, since they are hard to extract from experimental data. On the other hand several phenomenological models have been developed, and QCD-connected...
Mariaelena Boglione
(University of Turin and INFN Torino)
2/3/17, 2:25 PM
The practical implementation of TMD phenomenology becomes particularly involved when it comes to describing SIDIS cross sections over a wide range of transverse momenta.
Even more so in the region of low to moderate $q_T$, where the interplay between perturbative and non-perturbative effects are more prominent.
I will discuss a (personal) selection of relevant issues and show their...
Lubomir Pentchev
(Jefferson Lab)
2/3/17, 2:25 PM
The GlueX experiment uses a linearly-polarized tagged-photon beam produced by electrons from the 12 GeV CEBAF machine. The detector system is based on a 2 T solenoid and includes e.m. calorimeters and drift chambers providing full acceptance coverage. The experiment allows us, for the first time, to study J/$\psi $ photoproduction from the threshold, at $8.2$ GeV, up to a photon energy of $12$...
Emilie Passemar
(Indiana University/JLab)
2/3/17, 2:50 PM
Wally Melnitchouk
(Jefferson Lab)
2/3/17, 2:50 PM
This talk will review new insights into the quark structure of
the nucleon that have been made with recent global QCD analysis
of parton distributions, using new analysis techniques to take
into account the latest high-precision data from Jefferson Lab.
Paul Sorensen
(Department of Energy and Brookhaven National Lab)
2/3/17, 2:50 PM
Before the search for the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) commenced at RHIC, it was hoped that the QGP could be discovered through the observation of non-monotonic trends in a variety of observables. These smoking-gun signals were not observed in the data taken at higher beam energies, and the discovery of the perfect liquid QGP relied on careful comparisons between models and data. No non-monotonic...
Markus Diefenthaler
(Jefferson Lab)
2/3/17, 3:15 PM
The SeaQuest experiment at Fermilab continues a series of Drell-Yan measurements to explore the antiquark content of the nucleon and to study the modifications to nucleon structure when the nucleon is embedded into a nuclei. To extend existing measurements to larger values of Bjorken-x, a 120 GeV proton beam extracted from Fermilab’s Main Injector is used, resulting in 50 times more luminosity...
Mason Albright
(Pennsylvania State University)
2/3/17, 3:15 PM
We study unpolarized TMD distributions and fragmentation functions using HERMES data. We perform both Hessian and Monte Carlo analyses of the data and extract the widths of unpolarized TMDs. Critical evaluation of flavor dependence of widths is reported.
Maarten Golterman
(San Francisco State University)
2/3/17, 4:10 PM
Recent simulations suggest the existence of a very light singlet scalar
in QCD-like theories that may be lying just outside the conformal window.
Assuming that the lightness of this scalar can be explained by an
approximate dilatation symmetry, we develop an effective field theory
framework for both the pions and this light scalar, the "dilatonic meson."
We argue that a power counting...
Peter Bosted
(William and Mary)
2/3/17, 4:40 PM
Beam-target double spin asymmetries, beam single-spin asymmetries, and target single-spin asymmetries in exclusive $\pi^+$ and $\pi^0$ electroproduction were obtained from scattering of 1.6 to 6 GeV longitudinally polarized electrons from longitudinally polarized protons using the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) at Jefferson Lab. The kinematic range covered is final state invariant...