Hypernuclear Experiments at Hall C
E12-24-003 "Studying Lambda interactions in nuclear matter with the 208Pb(e,e'K+)208ΛTl reaction" [42 PAC days]
E12-24-004 "Study of charge symmetry breaking in p-shell hypernuclei" [24 PAC days]
E12-24-011 "Study of a triaxially deformed nucleus using a Lambda particle as a probe" [28 PAC days]
E12-24-013 "An isospin dependence study of the Lambda-N interaction through the high precision spectroscopy of Lambda hypernuclei" [55 PAC days]
Run Group Experiment (Parasitic Experiment)
E12-15-008A "High-resolution spectroscopy of light hypernuclei with the decay-pion spectroscopy" [0 PAC days]
Objective of the Meeting
Hyeprnuclear spectroscopy at Jefferson Lab has a unique role for investigating the baryon interactions with the strangeness degrees of freedom. We are planning to perform experiments with high reoslution spectrometers, HES and HKS, which are dedicated to hypernuclear missing-mass spectrosocpy. The experiments will measure hypernuclei with wide nuclear masses ranging from A = 3 to 208 for systematic studies to pin down various physics topics such as charge symmetry breaking (CSB), multi-body Lambda-NN interaction, hypertriton puzzle, hyperon puzzle in neutron stars, search for triaxially deformation states etc.
In this collaboration meeting, significance and impact of the hypernuclear project at JLab will be shared and discussed. In addition, some preparation updates, aiming at the performance of experiments from 2027, will be shown.
zoom link / ID: 161 955 1464 / PASSCODE: 841886
Other information
Experimental readiness review on Nov 18-19, 2024: https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/ERR_Hypernuclear
Collaboration meeting on Mar 22, 2024: https://indico.jlab.org/event/822/
Collaboration meeting on Nov 14, 2023: https://indico.jlab.org/event/742/
As for onsite participants, please follow the guidance shown here: https://www.jlab.org/facilities/steps-registration
You can find the registration page for the meeting by clicking a registration buttun below.
Registration for this event is currently open.