QCD Evolution 2025 will be held at Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA, USA on May 19- May 23, 2025.
The QCD Evolution workshop series started in 2011. Since this initial meeting, QCD Evolution has grown to be a leading hadron physics meeting with a focus on hadron tomography.
The main objective of the QCD Evolution Workshop is to provide a forum to discuss the recent scientific accomplishments in areas such as generalized parton distributions (GPDs), transverse momentum distributions (TMDs), and small-x physics, together with advances in perturbative and non-perturbative techniques within QCD, such as lattice QCD and effective field theory (EFT) techniques.
In doing so this workshop also aims to support and guide the physics programs at facilities such as Jefferson Lab, the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Lab, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) complex at CERN. The workshop is also central to the building of the next-generation nuclear physics facility in the US, the Electron Ion Collider (EIC).
The Local Organizing Committee:
- Nobuo Sato (JLab, Chair)
- Joseph Karpie (JLab)
- Wally Melnitchouk (JLab)
- David Richards (JLab)
- Marco Zaccheddu (JLab)
- Zhite Yu (JLab)
The International Advisory Committee:
Alessandro Bacchetta (Pavia), Ian Balitsky (ODU and JLab), Daniel Boer (Groningen), Elena Boglione (Turin), Ian Cloet (ANL), Martha Constantinou (Temple), Umberto D'Alesio (Cagliari), Leonard Gamberg (PSU Berks), Yoshitaka Hatta (BNL), Zhongbo Kang (UCLA), Yuri Kovchegov (OSU), Asmita Mukherjee (IIT Bombay), Barbara Pasquini (Pavia), Alexei Prokudin (PSU Berks and JLab), Jianwei Qiu (JLab), Anatoly Radyushkin (ODU and JLab), Ivan Vitev (LANL), Feng Yuan (LBNL).
Please, send your questions and inquiries about the event to qcd_evolution2025@jlab.org.
*** "Abstract" Submission will close March 10th***