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Aug 7 – 10, 2024
MIT Laboratory for Nuclear Science
US/Eastern timezone

Search for Resonances in the ωη System at GlueX (25+5)

Aug 10, 2024, 2:30 PM
26-414 (MIT Laboratory for Nuclear Science)


MIT Laboratory for Nuclear Science


Edmundo Barriga (Florida State University)


The GlueX experiment has produced the world’s largest data sample for peripheral photoproduction of mesons with a goal to expand our understanding of the strong interaction and search for hybrid mesons. The data set was obtained at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility utilizing the GlueX detector and a tagged linearly polarized photon beam that peaks between 8 - 9 GeV incident on a liquid hydrogen target. We will present the current status of the search for possible intermediate resonances which decay to ωη. Little is known about the established ω(1650), and the states with exotic quantum numbers JP C = 0−−, 2+− have not yet been observed. The ω, in this reaction, is identified via the π+π−π0 decay mode, and the η and π0 are identified via the decay to 2γ. We present a description of the data following an angular moment analysis approach and outline our strategy for future studies.

Primary author

Edmundo Barriga (Florida State University)

Presentation materials