Electron-Ion Collider Satellite Event at IPAC'24

Level 1M - Davidson Ballroom (Music City Center)

Level 1M - Davidson Ballroom

Music City Center

Nashville, TN
Andrei Seryi (Jefferson Lab, USA), Carsten Welsch (University of Liverpool/Cockcroft Institute, UK), Maria Chamizo-Llatas (Brookhaven National Lab, USA)

The EIC Accelerator Collaboration kick-off meeting will be held as a satellite meeting during IPAC24 on Tuesday, 21st May 2024 in Nashville, TN, USA. Please see detailed description at the IPAC24 web site 

The EIC Project and Accelerator Collaboration contacts are as follows:

Technical Director - Sergei Nagaitsev - snagaitsev@bnl.gov

Project Manager - Luisella Lari - llari@bnl.gov

Acc Collaboration co-chair - Carsten Welsch - welsch@liverpool.ac.uk

Acc Collaboration co-chair - Andrei Seryi - seryi@jlab.org


Registration of interest in the EIC Accelerator Collaboration