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EARLY (Emerging Ambitious Researchers Launchpad at York)

Hilton York, UK

The E.A.R.L.Y Workshop (NSTAR2024) is two-and-a-half (14th to 16th of June 2024) days dedicated to early-career researchers in preparation for the 14th edition of the NSTAR conference. This hands-on and friendly workshop will bring professionals from academia and industry who will share their knowledge, experience and tips to get ahead. Get your researcher starter pack by learning how to give fantastic talks, secure funding, tune your CV, and launch your career! 


Every early-career researcher is welcome to attend, give a short talk on their research, and attend social events to get to know others in the EARLY community! Attendance is fully covered by the NSTAR organising committee, with the possibility of covering the main conference fees as well. Registration can be done through the NStar conference indico.




    • 1
    • CV Tune-Up
    • 3:30 PM
    • CV Tune-Up
    • Social Event


    • Arrival
    • How to Give a Good Talk

      Details on how to effectively present material to an audience.

    • Life as a Postdoc

      A series of short presentations from postdocs about their experience applying for, securing and general life as a postdoc. This will be followed up by a roundtable discussion where the audience can ask questions.

    • 1:00 PM
    • Industry Perspectives

      A series of short presentations from experts in industry about careers available. This will be followed up by a roundtable discussion where the audience can ask questions.

    • 4:00 PM
    • Proposals and Fellowships

      A series of short presentations from academics about writing proposals and securing fellowships. This will be followed up by a roundtable discussion where the audience can ask questions.

    • Pint of Science
    • Arrival
    • Academia and Funding

      A series of short presentations from academics about progressing further in academia and how to secure funding. This will be followed up by a roundtable discussion where the audience can ask questions.

    • 1:00 PM
    • Flash Talk Prep

      Preparation for flash talk sessions

    • Flash Talks

      Five minute presentations from delegates about the impact of your research, your proposed solution and any results that you have with a maximum of 2 slides allowed to display any plots or text.

      Note that the audience will all have a scientific background, but not necessarily a background in NStar physics, so your flash talk will need to be tailored accordingly.