PWG - 1
- Douglas Higinbotham (Jefferson Lab)
In this presentation I will review the baseline design for Ce$^+$BAF and explain the R&D Plan for the next few years.
A photogun to generate high intensity, high polarization electron beam with unprecedented kC lifetime is being developed at JLab. The proposed Ce+BAF polarized positron source will require > 1 milliampere CW with > 90% polarization electron beam at 120 MeV. To be practical for a user program, a photogun operating at 1 milliampere should deliver ~ 2 kC high polarization beam for a month without...
I will give an update about the positron target effort at Jefferson Lab.
The very large power in electron beams needed to generate positrons and the accompanying enormous power densities preclude solid targets unless some complicated means of heat removal is implemented (e.g., cooled high-speed target rotation). A promising alternative is to use a windowless target and a liquid metal converter. Two liquid metals that have desirable properties for such a converter...