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Nov 14 – 16, 2022
Jefferson Lab
US/Eastern timezone

Double-Regge contribution to $\eta^{(')}\pi$ production

Nov 15, 2022, 2:40 PM
Jefferson Lab

Jefferson Lab


Cesar Fernandez-Ramirez (UNED/ICN-UNAM)


The production of $\eta^{(\prime)}\pi$ pairs constitutes one of the golden channels to search for hybrid exotics, with explicit gluonic degrees of freedom. Understanding the dynamics and backgrounds associated to $\eta^{(\prime)}\pi$ production above the resonance region is required to impose additional constraints to the resonance extraction. We consider the reaction $\pi^-p\to \eta^{(\prime)} \pi^-\, p$ measured by COMPASS. We show that the data
in $2.4 < m_{\eta^{(\prime)}\pi} < 3.0$ GeV can be described by amplitudes based on double-Regge exchanges. The angular distribution of the meson pairs, in particular in the $\eta' \pi$ channel, can be attributed to flavor singlet exchanges, suggesting the presence of a large gluon content that couples strongly to the produced mesons.

Primary author

Cesar Fernandez-Ramirez (UNED/ICN-UNAM)

Presentation materials