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Nov 14 – 16, 2022
Jefferson Lab
US/Eastern timezone

Determination of the f0(1370) from a novel dispersive analysis of meson-meson scattering data

Nov 16, 2022, 11:35 AM
Jefferson Lab

Jefferson Lab


Jose Pelaez (Complutense University of Madrid)


We establish the existence of the long-debated $f_0​(1370)$ resonance in the dispersive analyses of meson-meson scattering data. For this, we present a novel approach using forward dispersion relations, valid for generic inelastic resonances. We find its pole at $(1245\pm40)−i (300−70+30)$ MeV in ππ->ππ scattering. We also provide the couplings as well as further checks extrapolating partial-wave dispersion relations or with other continuation methods. A pole at
$(1380−60+70)−i (220−70+80)$ MeV also appears in the $ππ\to K\bar K$ data analysis with partial-wave dispersion relations. Despite settling its existence in meson-meson scattering, our model-independent dispersive and analytic methods still show a lingering tension between pole parameters from the $ππ\to ππ$ and $ππ\to K\bar K$ channels that should be attributed to data

Primary author

Jose Pelaez (Complutense University of Madrid)


Arkaitz Rodas (Jefferson Lab) Dr Jacobo Ruiz de Elvira (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

Presentation materials