The CLAS12 detector located in the Hall-B of the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility has been designed to operate at the nominal luminosity of $10^{35} \text{cm}^{-2} \text{s}^{-1}$, assuming a unitary particle reconstruction efficiency. Improving the performance of CLAS12 in terms of luminosity times the reconstruction efficiency will significantly enhance the physics reach of...
Encouraged by recent success of CBETA, a proposal was formulated to increase the CEBAF energy from the present 12 GeV to 22-24 GeV by replacing the highest-energy arcs (Arc 7-10) with Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (FFA) arcs, where beams with energies spanning a factor of two or more, can be simultaneously transport through the same array of combined function magnets. The new pair of FFA...
High intensity extracted electron/positron beams are a precious source of secondary beams. A muon beam (up to $10^9\mu/$s in the energy range 1-6 GeV) and a neutrino beam (up to $10^{18}\nu/$m$^2/$year with energy mainly below 100 MeV) are generated by the interaction of the primary CEBAF 12 GeV (or 20 GeV) electron (positron) beam with the beam dump. Several processes (A-sstralhung, resonant...