Understanding the multi-dimensional partonic structure of the nucleon via the measurement of Generalized Parton Distribution (GPDs) is one of the central goals of the scientific program of Jefferson Lab. While the 12-GeV program progresses, various upgrade scenarios open up perspectives to expand the measurable observables for Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) and other exclusive...
I will review the status of current theoretical progress on deeply virtual exclusive processes and of the extraction of observable from experiment.
In this talk I will briefly review where we stand with hadron structure and hadronization studies with semi-inclusive processes, in particular SIDIS.
I will also highlight the fundamental role of the present and future experimental facilities for the advancement of the field.
The quark-gluon dynamics manifests itself in a set of non-perturbative functions describing all possible spin-spin and spin-orbit correlations. Recent studies of correlated hadron pairs, including the pairs created in target and current fragmentation region, indicate significant correlations in hadron fragmentation process. Their understanding is becoming increasingly important in the...
Upgrading the energy of CEBAF would open the door for many important spectroscopy measurements. In particular the recently discovered and apparently exotic states collectively know as $XYZ$ mesons will become accessible. This presentations uses models constructed by the JPAC collaboration to estimate rates and kinematics for some key reactions. Although the production mechanism modeled is via...
Although its main focus is hadron physics, Jefferson Lab (JLab) features a significant experimental program dedicated to beyond Standard Model (BSM) physics, including the search for new light particles possibly explaining the Dark Matter problem. Experiments such as APEX,HPS and BDX-mini, aim to exploit CEBAF unique capabilities to produce and detect Dark Photons, hypothetical bosons acting...
The recent measurements on exclusive backward-angle electroproduction of mesons from Jefferson Lab electron-proton fixed-target scattering experiments above the resonance region, hint on a new domain of applicability of QCD collinear factorization framework in the special u-channel kinematics regime. Within this kinematics, the collinear factorized description of hard exclusive meson...
Two-photon exchange (TPE), a small contribution to electron scattering amplitudes, can occasionally, if not properly accounted for, have a big impact. For example, neglected TPE corrections may be the cause of the significant discrepancy between polarization-transfer and Rosenbluth-separation determinations of the proton's form factors at large momentum transfer. Though theoretical...
Nucleon valence quark structure at very high values of the scaling variable $x$ is sensitive to the mechanism of SU(6) breaking. In particular the valence quark polarizations $\Delta u/u$ and $\Delta d/d$ can be predicted by quark models, perturbative QCD, and other approaches, with significantly different expected
results. Present data are not sufficiently precise in the high-$x$ region to...