High intensity extracted electron/positron beams are a precious source of secondary beams. A muon beam (up to $10^9\mu/$s in the energy range 1-6 GeV) and a neutrino beam (up to $10^{18}\nu/$m$^2/$year with energy mainly below 100 MeV) are generated by the interaction of the primary CEBAF 12 GeV (or 20 GeV) electron (positron) beam with the beam dump. Several processes (A-sstralhung, resonant and non-resonant annihilation) are also expected to produce an intense Light Dark Matter beam, if it exist, to be used in scattering experiments such as BDX. In this contribution we will review the simulation results for beams of muon, neutrino and LDM produced by the interaction of the primary electron beam with Hall-A beam dump demonstrating that the unique features of JLab secondary beams will be able to complement and extend the current physics program at Jefferson Lab.