While conventional electron-driven positron sources have been built and operated at accelerator facilities producing unpolarized positron beams, we are at Jefferson Lab in a unique positron to provide also positrons with a high degree of spin polarization. The Polarized Electrons for Polarized Positrons (PEPPo) experiment demonstrated a very efficient means to produce highly spin polarized positron beams from electrons beams like we have at CEBAF today.
In this presentation I will describe considerations and prospects for producing both polarized (and unpolarized) positrons beams at CEBAF and accelerating them to high energies. In particular, I will focus on two technical challenges to realize the positron injector, an intense polarized electron source and an efficient high power positron production target. Additionally, I will comment on the injection of positrons into CEBAF, their transport to the end stations, and considerations for orienting the spin polarization of the positron beams.