Understanding the modification of quarks in nucleons within nuclei (EMC effect) is a longstanding open question in nuclear physics. Recent experimental results from electron scattering at Jefferson Lab strengthen the correlation between the EMC effect and nucleon-nucleon short-range correlated pairs (SRC) within nuclei. That means that the EMC effect is probably driven by the high-momentum highly-virtual nucleons of the SRC pairs. This connection can be tested experimentally by measuring electron deep inelastic scattering (DIS) from a nucleon and detecting its correlated SRC partner nucleon (tagging). The Electron-Ion-Collider (EIC) is an ideal machine for tagging measurements due to unique capability of measuring recoil nucleons compared to fixed-target experiments. The design of the EIC detectors allows for a full acceptance for forward-going protons, neutrons and nuclear fragments in addition to the scattered electron.
In my talk, I will present results from simulation studies of tagged short-range correlations in Quasi-elastic kinematics at the EIC. The results will show the achievable statistics and tagging capabilities for tagged SRC physics at the EIC.