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Jul 29 – 30, 2021
Online Only
US/Eastern timezone

QCD dynamics in nuclei: Diquarks and the Novel Color Singlet Hexadiquark

Jul 29, 2021, 1:05 PM
Online Only

Online Only


Dr Jennifer Rittenhouse West (Berkeley Lab and the EIC Center at Jefferson Lab)


Quantum chromodynamics degrees of freedom are proposed to explain various puzzling results in nuclear physics. The 1983 EMC experiment discovery of unexpected quark behavior in nuclei has been investigated in great depth both experimentally and theoretically since that time. The viability of quark-quark bonds across nucleons provides an explanation for unusual quark behavior when the quark home nucleon is embedded in a nucleus. Predictions for the isospin values of nucleon-nucleon pairs are given and the spin dependence of diquark bonds in nuclei is quantified.

Primary author

Dr Jennifer Rittenhouse West (Berkeley Lab and the EIC Center at Jefferson Lab)

Presentation materials