Joint meeting of informal working groups from TTC-member institutions pursuing routes to minimized rf surface resistance and high gradients in SRF applications. This site consists of internal, unpublished, preliminary communications within the collaboration in support of rapid shared learning and technical progress. Material shared via this site is not intended for external reference or propagation.
Previous meeting site:
Short reports, coordinated internally at each institution as appropriate.
Contact Charlie Reece to get on the agenda and to have participants added/deleted.
Speakers on the agenda - please upload your presentation to this site.
Coordination to be jointly by Matthias and Anna (subbing for Genfa), and Charlie.
Suggested categories:
(1) Bulk Nb properties that impact on fabrication and performance (2) Surface removal/polishing (including both chemical and non-chemical methods here) (3) Thermal treatments (in vacuum or controlled atmosphere) mechanisms and effects
The utility "BlueJeans" will be used for the online meeting.
Meeting URL