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Sep 12 – 15, 2017
CEBAF Center
US/Eastern timezone

PEPPo Based Polarized Positron Beam Formation for JLEIC

Sep 15, 2017, 2:50 PM
Room F113 (CEBAF Center)

Room F113

CEBAF Center

Jefferson Lab 12000 Jefferson Avenue Newport News, VA 23606
Oral Contribution Positron Source and Beam Physics Plenary 15


Jiquan Guo (Jefferson Lab)


JLEIC polarized positron program calls for a luminosity no more than one order of magnitude lower than the electron program. In this talk, a PEPPo based positron beam formation scheme will be presented. The combination of PEPPo’s low positron yield, the low duty factor injection bunch train required by JLEIC e-/e+ ring, as well as the mismatch of the JLEIC and CEBAF RF frequency, pose major challenges for this injection scheme, requiring enormous electron charge per bunch at the e-/e+ conversion. We propose a solution with a small 748.5MHz ring accumulating the “cold” electron, and extracting the long bunch train in 17MHz bunch reprate with a stripline harmonic RF kicker. Preliminary study shows that this scheme can achieve the ~0.2A beam current for the ~10^33/cm^2/s luminosity goal.

Primary author

Jiquan Guo (Jefferson Lab)


Fanglei Lin (Jefferson Lab) Joe Grames (Jefferson Lab) Vasiliy Morozov (Jefferson Lab) Yuhong Zhang (Jefferson Lab)

Presentation materials