HI: Photons and early time dynamics
- Raju Venugopalan (BNL)
Naoto Tanji
(Heidelberg University)
2/2/17, 4:00 PM
Recent classical-statistical numerical simulations have established the "bottom-up" thermalization scenario of Baier et al. as the correct weak coupling effective theory for thermalization in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions. I will talk on a parametric study of photon production in the various stages of this bottom-up framework and compare the contribution of the off-equilibrium...
Axel Drees
(Stony Brook University)
2/2/17, 4:25 PM
Over the past years PHENIX has published numerous results on direct photon production from Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV. The
results show a large direct photon excess at low momentum, which increases with centrality, while the inverse slope of ~240
MeV remains independent of centrality within errors. The direct photons are emitted with a large anisotropy with respect to
the reaction plan,...
Chun Shen
(Brookhaven National Lab)
2/2/17, 4:50 PM
Electromagnetic probes are considered as clean messengers from the hot dense medium created in the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). In this talk, I will review the theoretical developments in the study of electromagnetic radiation in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. The recent progress in the rates for photon and lepton pair production is discussed....
Niklas Mueller
(Institute for Theoretical Physics, Heidelberg University)
2/2/17, 5:15 PM
We present how the dynamics of the Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME) and Chiral Density Waves can be described during the pre-equilibrium stage of a heavy-ion collision, using classical-statistical real-time lattice simulations [1-3]. To this end we present results in a simplified set-up with dynamical (Wilson and Overlap) fermions simultaneously coupled to color and electro-magnetic fields. We...