Recent Breakthrough in LQCD Structure Calculations
- Huey-Wen Lin (Michigan State University)
Yibo Yang
(University of Kentucky)
2/1/17, 4:00 PM
Higgs boson provides the source of the fundamental particle mass. But how it is related to the proton mass and then the mass of the observable matters, is an interesting, important, and yet unanswered question. The total masses of the three valence quark in the proton are less than 10 MeV which is directly related to the Higgs boson, while the total proton mass is 938MeV. It is clear that the...
Phiala Shanahan
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
2/1/17, 4:25 PM
We present an exploratory study of the gluonic structure of the $\phi$ meson using lattice QCD (LQCD). This includes the first investigation of gluonic transversity via the leading moment of the twist-two double-helicity-flip gluonic structure function $\Delta(x,Q^2)$. This structure function only exists for targets of spin $J\ge1$ and does not mix with quark distributions at leading twist,...
David Richards
(Jefferson Lab)
2/1/17, 5:15 PM
We show how momentum-space derivatives of hadron form factors can be related to their coordinate space moments computed in lattice QCD through a Fourier Transform. The method provides a priori information about the Q^2 dependence of form factors. As a specific application of the method, we obtain the slope of the isovector form factor of the nucleon at the various Q^2 accessible on the...