PDF’s—intrinsic charm I
- Ramona Vogt (LLNL/UC Davis)
Susan Gardner
(University of Kentucky)
2/1/17, 11:00 AM
I review the manner in which heavy intrinsic quarks in hadrons appear in QCD, offering
an overview of theoretical predictions and existing experimental constraints.
I also discuss possible future probes and phenomenological consequences.
Andrea Signori
(Jefferson Lab)
2/1/17, 11:25 AM
I will illustrate some of the opportunities for hadron structure studies at a future multi-purpose fixed-target experiment at the LHC. The proton beams at the LHC allow for the most energetic fixed-target experiments ever performed, opening new kinematic windows on hadron and nuclear physics which integrate the knowledge available from collider experiments (in particular RHIC and EIC).
Philip Ilten
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
2/1/17, 11:50 AM
The unique design of the LHCb detector allows for novel methods of
probing intrinsic charm (IC). Its forward coverage and excellent
c-tagging capabilities provide sensitivity to valence-like IC from Z +
charm-jet events in pp collisions. The System for Measuring the
Overlap with Gas (SMOG), initially designed for precision luminosity
measurements, can also be used as a fixed target...