Physics enabled by new facilities
- Michael Kohl (Hampton University)
Moskov Amaryan
(Old Dominion University)
2/3/17, 9:25 AM
In this talk we discuss the possibility of creating a secondary beam of neutral kaons at JLab. This will allow us to unravel more than a hundred „missing“ hyperon states predicted by the Quark Model and recent lattice QCD calculations, which will have a great impact not only on hadron spectroscopy, but also on fundamental features of thermodynamics of the early universe and heavy-ion...
David Gaskell
(Jefferson Lab)
2/3/17, 9:50 AM
The 11 GeV beam energy available in experimental Halls A, B, and C as part of the Jefferson Lab 12 GeV Upgrade, combined with the new equipment in those halls will provide a rich and diverse physics program. This program includes inclusive measurements used to constrain polarized and unpolarized quark distributions in nucleons, exclusive reactions to access nucleon and meson form factors and...
Seamus Riordan
(Stony Brook University)
2/3/17, 10:15 AM
The Super Bigbite project encompasses a set of experiments which utilize the principles of large acceptance, highly reconfigurable magnetic spectrometers that aim to measure fundmental structure of nucleons at high momentum-transfer in experimental Hall A at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility in Newport News, Virginia. These experiments push the bounds of what has been...