Lubomir Pentchev
(Jefferson Lab)
The GlueX experiment uses a linearly-polarized tagged-photon beam produced by electrons from the 12 GeV CEBAF machine. The detector system is based on a 2 T solenoid and includes e.m. calorimeters and drift chambers providing full acceptance coverage. The experiment allows us, for the first time, to study J/$\psi $ photoproduction from the threshold, at $8.2$ GeV, up to a photon energy of $12$ GeV. Results from the recent commissioning run, where we took 25 billion triggers, will be presented. The precise knowledge of the beam energy, combined with the recoil proton reconstruction and the identification of the J/$\psi $ decay products, $e^+$/$e^-$, allows us to achieve a high mass resolution. With the data from the upcoming physics runs, we expect to have enough statistics to be able to distinguish between different production mechanisms.
Primary author
Lubomir Pentchev
(Jefferson Lab)