Craig Roberts
Modern facilities are poised to tackle fundamental questions within the Standard Model, aiming to reveal the nature of confinement, its relationship to dynamical chiral symmetry breaking (DCSB) - the origin of visible mass - and the connection between these two, key emergent phenomena. There is strong evidence to suggest that they are intimately connected with the appearance of momentum-dependent masses for gluons and quarks in QCD, which are large in the infrared: mg∼500MeV and Mq∼350MeV. They are also expressed with particular force in the partonic structure of hadrons, e.g. in valence-quark parton distribution amplitudes and functions, and, consequently, in hadron elastic and transition form factors. This presentation will explain that we are now in a position to exhibit the consequences of confinement and DCSB in such observables, opening the way to empirical verification of their expression in the Standard Model.
Primary author
Craig Roberts