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Please visit Jefferson Lab Event Policies and Guidance before planning your next event: https://www.jlab.org/conference_planning.
LOCATION: Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
ROOM: L102
REGISTRATION: https://misportal.jlab.org/ul/conferences/generic_conference/registration.cfm?conference_id=Positron325
ZOOM: https://jlab-org.zoomgov.com/j/1615221081?pwd=BrsIwLjURTtt02ozJvQD1LIn4k0OsN.1
The first measurements of elastic electron nucleon scattering with polarization transfer, allowing to separate the electric and magnetic nucleon form factors, showed a significant discrepancy with Rosenbluth measurement of the cross section of the same process. The two-photon exchange, suspected to be the cause of this observation, got a major focus since then. The two-photon exchange is expected to depend on the charge of the lepton, meaning that the ratio of positron-nucleon to electron-nucleon measurements should clarify the role of the two photon exchange in the aforementioned discrepancy.
We propose measurements of the quasi-elastic positron-neutron and electron-neutron at Q2 = 3.0 (GeV/c)2, 4.5 (GeV/c)2 and 6 (GeV/c)^2, combined with Rosenbluth measurements at these kinematics. These measurements purport to complete and extend the measurement of the two-photon exchange in electron-neutron scattering submitted to and approved by PAC48 in 2020, and recorded in 2022 (experiment E12-20-010 currently under analysis). It would be performed with the Super BigBite Spectrometer installed in Hall C and will measure simultaneously positron-proton and
positron-neutron scattering off deuterium.
I will present the motivations and details of the proposed measurement, and provide a few aspects of the ongoing analysis of experiment E12-20-010 relevant to this new measurement.
The beam-normal spin asymmetry from polarized positron scattering is investigated in the energy regime 1−150 MeV by means of the phase-shift analysis. The nonperturbative consideration of QED effects leads to spin-asymmetry changes of a few percent irrespective of the target nucleus. Corrections from low-lying transient nuclear excitations depend strongly on the collision geometry and the target species. Comparison is made with the respective results from polarized electron scattering. Two spin-zero nuclei, 12C
and 208Pb, are taken as examples.
The longest-range weak pion-nucleon coupling constant, h_π^1, is important for nuclear parity violation. Prospects of a new measurement of h_π^1 in a theoretically clean process are presented. A measurement of the parity-violating asymmetry in pion photoproduction off the proton is related to h_π^1 in a low-energy theorem of the photon polarization asymmetry at threshold in the chiral limit. A reliable measurement of h_π^1 provides a crucial test of the meson-exchange picture of the weak N-N interaction. Such a test of the meson-exchange picture will shed light on low energy QCD.