The 2025 edition of the MC4EIC workshop will take place at Jefferson Lab from July 9–11. Please note that the joint meeting of the EIC User Group and the ePIC collaboration will be held at the same location the following week.
The primary focus of this workshop is to discuss the status of current Monte Carlo event generators for the Electron-Ion Collider and their related experimental needs. Part of the workshop will include a Rivet hackathon, where participants will actively work on validating event generators for ep and eA experiments.
Topics to be covered:
- General-purpose event generators for electroproduction, photoproduction, and diffractive processes,
- Comparisons and tuning to relevant ep and ed data,
- Modeling of radiative effects,
- Specialized event generators and interfacing.
Ahead of the workshop, we plan to organize an online Rivet tutorial to assist in developing new Rivet analyses for ep and ed data. These analyses will then be used to enhance comparisons and constraints for current event generators.
Please register for the workshop to receive updates on the program and organization.